Live Chat: Multipurpose Marine Cadastre by Christine Taylor and David Stein of NOAA

Submitted by sdcarr on Tue, 12/04/2012 - 3:39pm
Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17, 2 pm EST/11 am PST/7 pm GMT

Office Hour Chat about the updated Multipurpose Marine Cadastre
with Christine Taylor of BOEM and David Stein of NOAA. is
an integrated marine information system that provides ocean data, offshore
planning tools, and technical support to the offshore renewable energy
community. The project was designed specifically to support renewable energy
siting on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf but is also being used for other
ocean-related efforts. has three primary focus areas: Web
map viewers and ocean planning tools; spatial data registry; and technical
support and regional capacity building.  Over 140 data layers are
available for immediate inclusion in GIS, Mash-ups, and download, or just view
them on the viewer.  Please take a moment to review the
updated Multipurpose Marine Cadastre before the Office Hour, there are a lot of
new data, updated tools, and special apps. Learn more about the Multipurpose
Marine Cadastre at
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